Students enrolled in English 487W offered senior seminar presentations on Thursday, Dec. 9, focused on the theme of “Rhetoric and Literature of Social Movements and Social Change.”
When Penn State Altoona student Tyler Frye collaborated on a research project with other Penn State researchers, it didn’t just lead to a paper being published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice — it was also the springboard toward a career he never envisioned for himself.
As early as 18,000 years ago, humans in New Guinea may have collected cassowary eggs near maturity and then raised the birds to adulthood, according to an international team of scientists.
Cara Exten, an assistant nursing professor and infectious disease epidemiologist, studies the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases in populations over time. She put her nearly 20 years of epidemiology experience to the test by helping the University create and execute a COVID-19 testing and contact tracing initiative.
The Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) has awarded seed grants to 22 groups of interdisciplinary researchers for the 2020-21 award cycle. This year, seed grants were awarded to proposals focusing on at least one of IEE’s five strategic research themes — Climate and Ecosystem Change, Health and the Environment, Integrated Energy Systems, Urban Systems, and Water and Biogeochemical Cycles.
Seven Penn State faculty teams have received seed grants for biodiversity research as part of the 2021 “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in a Decade of Action” symposium, developed by Christina Grozinger, Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator Research, in collaboration with Penn State’s Sustainability Institute.
Penn State Altoona will present the annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair (URCAF) on Saturday, April 10 starting at 9 a.m. via Zoom.