Penn College

Graphic showing five phases of the Penn State Strategic Plan process. Currently in phase 2, developing the institutional plan.

Penn Staters invited to share feedback on draft Strategic Plan proposal

A draft proposal of Penn State’s institutional strategic plan has been unveiled and shared with the community for feedback and discussion. All faculty, staff and students at all campuses are encouraged to visit the Strategic Plan website to review and provide feedback on the draft plans for four goal areas.
Old Main Bell Tower

Provost provides update on University's coronavirus actions

Penn State Executive Vice President and Provost Nicholas P. Jones has shared a message updating the University community on steps being taken to monitor the evolving worldwide coronavirus outbreak and prepare for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Penn State Commencement, Agricultural Sciences, Dec. 2016

Penn State announces spring 2017 commencement events and speakers

This spring Penn State expects to award 13,894 diplomas to students University-wide who are completing 226 associate, 11,435 baccalaureate, 1,590 master’s, 262 law, 244 doctoral and 137 medical degrees. Following is a compilation of commencement ceremonies and speaker information for Penn State’s 24 locations.